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Week 4: Sustainable Solutions

Activity 1: Sustainability Compass
Welcome to the fourth and final week of the Life on Land programme.
If you haven't already, watch our "Introducing the Sustainability Compass" video in
week 1.

Now onto this activity, where we’ll explore how a change in one compass direction affects the others.

Watch the video and think about something you could change in your school's Sustainability Compass that would have an impact on other areas. Discuss this with your class.

Think about whether it's something you can actually change within your school! Share your thoughts on the Jamboard.
Activity 2: Caring for life on land
Meet Brendan, who will tell you a story about Beatrice the Nectar Collector.
Have your learners think about the following:
  1. What challenges did Bea come up against on her search for nectar Bay?
  2. Do you think these were all normal challenges that a bee might encounter, or were any of them perhaps the result of climate change?
  3. Why do you think Nectar Bay was healthy and full of nectar while the other flower she found was dry?
  4. Have a go at drawing Nectar Bay.
  5. Write your own descriptive insect poem.
Activity 3: Get hands-on!
Try out some hands-on resources with your learners.
Image by Tania Malréchauffé
Bug hotel
Image by Dave Drury
Image by Leslie Bowman
Seed bombs
Image by Simon Wilkes
Tree carbon calculator
Share your science
We would love to see and hear about what you have been creatively getting up to with your learners! There are several ways that you can do so:

Share your photos with us on Twitter using our handle
@ourdynamicearth using the hashtag #DEOnline

If you choose to share any images of children, make sure that you have the appropriate permissions to do so.
Add a sticky note to the Jamboard below to tell us what you have been doing and how it has impacted on your learners.
Course completion!
Congratulations! You have now completed our Life Below Water Online CLPL module. We hope you have found the course content enjoyable, worthwhile and have new tools to explore Learning for Sustainability with your learners in the classroom.

To receive your certificate of course completion, please complete our short course feedback form which you can access via the button below. Your feedback is really important to us and has a direct impact on the services we provide as an organisation.

You can continue your CLPL journey with us by exploring other online modules in this series which you can find
here.  Sign up to our Learning and Engagement eNewsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities for you and your pupils.
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