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Week 3: Threats to Life Below Water

Activity 1: Plastic Pollution
Welcome to week three of the Life Below Water Programme.
  1. Start off by watching this video where you’ll meet Fran, an Environmental Scientist. Pause the video where prompted to complete the activities.
  2. Source items of rubbish the same as those in the video, or use the downloadable pictures provided in the Plastic Pollution activity booklet.
  3. Get learners to decide how long each item will take to break down once it becomes rubbish. Create a timeline and place the items at 1 month, 2 months, 1 year, 100 years or never. You can use the information sheets from the activity booklet to help scaffold learners experiences.
As a follow up activity for you and/or your learners, reflect on how each of the Sustainability Compass directions may be affected by plastic pollution.
Activity 2: Climate change
Watch the video where Eve explains one of the major threats to life below water: climate change.
A suggestion of how to use this video:
  1. Play video. When prompted, pause for the activity
  2. Have the learners play Source or Sink to decide which of the images represent a carbon sink and which are a source.
  3. Download the Ocean Acidification resource for activities you can do with your learners.
As a follow up activity for you and/or your learners, reflect on how each of the Sustainability Compass directions may be affected by climate change.
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